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Axis 8

Social-ecological systems, management, resilience, adaptation, trans-disciplinary research, integrated approaches.


Rémi Mongruel (AMURE) et Fabrice Pernet (LEMAR)

Participating laboratories

Scientific context

Marine and coastal ecosystems are subject to a growing social demand for improved knowledge, new uses and more integrated management. This creates new expectations from marine sciences which require interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary approaches. System thinking, ecosystem services assessment, ecosystem-based management, resilience and adaptation are all examples of emerging concepts which may help to build new epistemological and analytical framings for more integrated marine science. Axis 8 supports interdisciplinary or trans-disciplinary research projects dealing with the management of marine social-ecological systems from both social and natural science perspectives.


The research program of Axis 8 is based on the following 3 themes:
  1. Observation, assessment and monitoring of marine ecosystems and delivered services
  2. Integrated approaches in support of ecosystem-based management
  3. Change in ecosystems and adaptation


The research will aim to produce new insights for inter- or trans-disciplinary work, innovative and integrative models to support analysis and decisions, and strategic approaches for facilitating the use of scientific advice for operational purposes. When possible, the research will incorporate results from public participation research programs and adopt the perspective of post-normal science.

Expected results

Axe 8 will increase opportunities for collaborative work that cross disciplinary boundaries. The opportunity for researchers and students to work in a trans-disciplinary setting will benefit them directly by improving their understanding of their own disciplinary work. This will result in various outcomes, such as better-focused research questions or more articulate motivations for the disciplinary work. In a medium term perspective, axis 8 is expected to contribute to more rapid, long-lasting and sustainable innovative solutions to pressing marine management issues.


More information (downloads)

2016-2019 axis 8 roadmap

Document Actions

See the axis 8 leaflet

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